Standing Firm

With Michelle Enoch

Saturday 1st March 10.15am – 2.15pm (for men and women)

This is a generation where our children and young people need our prayers and wisdom to help them withstand the perilous circumstances they are facing. How do we raise up children and youth who will stand in this generation?

As we come together, we come to lean on Christ Jesus our Chief Cornerstone and to stand in prayer and strategy as a church community and family.

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher or youth leader! We hope this event will be an encouragement to you, as you seek to help young people around you.

See Children & Young People: See the FUTURE.

Michelle’s daughter Karen Sion will sing some of her own written worship songs.
Potential other speaker tbc.

The cost of £20 per person includes tea/coffee and biscuits from 9.45am and lunch.
If you can make a donation towards our costs, please add that to the event fee above. Thank you.

To book please ring 01277 367124 or email