For many years the Nationwide Christian Trust has been sending our Living Light Bible Insights booklet into prisons to offer spiritual encouragement. Prisoners have been most appreciative and many have written to the Trust, which has led to the emergence of a correspondence ministry. Being able to offer spiritual support and nurture to prisoners is an immense privilege that can play an important role in their faith. Seeing prisoners' faith emerge, grow and flourish, so setting them up for living transformed lives upon release, is the vision that inspires our work.
Pivotal to the spiritual growth of prisoners are the Chaplains, who play an invaluable role in the welfare and faith of prisoners. There is however inconsistent and often insufficient support and funding for the enrichment of Prison Chaplains' ministry.
Ian Moore, our recently appointed new Editor for Living Light has been involved in Prison Chaplaincy for almost 20 years; a ministry which remains near to his heart. He says "Over the years, in various settings, I have had the privilege of seeing the Word of God becoming life as faith takes hold of truth. Broken souls daring to believe that their future is no longer determined by their past. This is a work of God’s grace. I remember one occasion at the close of chapel, a man who had a life sentence brought a friend forward for salvation. I spoke to the man, who happened to be in a wheelchair and as I did, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to step back and allow his friend to pray over him. As I looked on, I saw an image of amazing grace that will stay with me for ever."
Please would you consider supporting our ministry for prisoners and Chaplains so we can continue to send them free copies of Living Light, as the need is great and the opportunities plentiful. You can make a difference to the lives of prisoners by clicking now to make a donation online.
Thank you for your support.