Environmental Evening with Ruth Valerio

Monday 16th September, 7.45pm. Ruth Valerio, Environmentalist and theologian, social activist and author. Optional buffet from 7pm
at Mulberry House Hotel, High Ongar, CM5 9NL

What is your first response when you hear something about the ‘climate crisis’? How do we keep going and taking action, even when we feel overwhelmed?

Ruth is the founder of Eco Church and says “wherever we stand when it comes to hope, we know that we must keep taking climate action because, even at this late stage, every fraction of a degree still matters. For many years my motto has been ‘many little steps in the right direction’ – and the more of us that are able to keep going, the bigger the difference we can make. It can feel overwhelming and hopeless, and I want to be part of a movement pushing for change, not just throwing up my hands in desperation.”

Ruth enjoys living sustainably - practising what she preaches and inspiring others as she does so. Ruth is a Director for Tearfund and carries a vision to inspire and equip people to a whole-life response to environmental breakdown and poverty. She has a particular interest in environmental issues and longs to see the culture of the Church change so that caring for the earth becomes an integral part of church life, rather than an optional extra.

She says “I do my best to practice what I preach, and over the years we have had a lot of fun as a family experimenting with ways of living as lightly as possible: producing our own meat through a pig cooperative (though not any longer since we have now stopped eating meat at home); growing our own veg and supporting a local organic veg grower; installing solar panels; thinking through how we holiday, switching to an electric car, and moving away from single-use plastic, to name just some of the things we have done. See more on Green Living pages.

Ruth has written extensively on justice, environment and lifestyle issues and is a regular speaker and media contributor. She has a Theology degree from Cambridge and a doctorate from Kings College London, in which she looked at simplicity and consumerism. She also holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Winchester and Chichester and in 2020 became a Canon Theologian at Rochester Cathedral!

Join us for an inspiring evening!

To book ring 01277 367124 or email admin@nctuk.org

£10 per person. Drinks and nibbles can be purchased at the bar.
Optional buffet from 7pm subject to demand @ £15 per person, please register your interest). CLICK HERE FOR MENU