Men's Breakfast

A great opportunity for men to gather together, network with others and be inspired by our guest speakers
at Mulberry House Hotel, Chelmsford Road (A414), High Ongar, CM5 9NL.

Full English Breakfast, tea/coffee, toast and an inspiring speaker.

£15.00. If you can also make a donation towards our speaker costs, please add that to the event fee above. Thank you.

Men's Breakfast with Pastor David Elwin

Saturday 17th May. 9am-10.30am
THIS EVENT WILL NOW TAKE PLACE AT OUR BARN, NEAR EPPING, pls contact us for details and to book

In 2011 David and Janet Elwin started a Victory Outreach church in West London. “We've seen drug addicts, alcoholics and gang members completely changed, rediscovering their sense of dignity. Young families have found a place to belong and are now looking forward to a bright future. We've seen success through solid Biblical teaching and an emphasis on relationships. Through our Stop the Violence initiatives, as well as our renowned work with drug addicts and vulnerable young people, we are seeing the difference that the love of Christ makes.
We are tireless in our work and in our prayers to reach the hurting people of our city and to see their lives completely transformed".

David will also share how his life was transformed by Jesus.

£15 per person. Egg & Bacon Bap, warm croissant, breakfast cereal bar, tea/coffee.
If you can also make a donation towards our running costs then please add that to the event fee or use the button below to donate only. Thank you.

To book please ring 01277 367124 or email

Simon Gillebaud


Saturday 25th January 2025, 9am-10.30am

Simon Guillebaud MBE

Choose Life
Deuteronomy 30:11-20

It doesn’t matter whether you had toast or cereal for breakfast, but it does matter whether you live your life out of fear or faith, whether you choose clarity or trust, cynicism or action, grumbling or gratitude, apathy or urgency. Yes, some choices really do matter. Choose life!

Simon Guillebaud, MBE, spent two decades living in war-torn Central Africa, and speaks out of that context with raw urgency and passion for the last, the lost and the least. He’s the Founder of Great Lakes Outreach, host of the popular ‘Inspired’ podcast, author of the award-winning book Choose Life, and travels widely stirring up the Church for radical discipleship. His wife Lizzie and he live in Bath with their three teenage children.

Full English Breakfast, toast, and tea/coffee.

£15.00. If you can also make a donation towards our running costs, please add that to the event fee above. Thank you.

To book please ring 01277 367124 or email

Steve Fouch


Wednesday 13th November 2024, 9.30am-11am

Steve Fouch, Head of Communications, The Christian Medical Fellowship

Steve ‘works at the interface of Christianity and healthcare. Writes, edits, speaks, and makes a general nuisance and fool of himself!’

The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ.
CMF advocates for the marginalised and promotes Christian values in healthcare. They produce papers and blogs on a range of ethical and professional issues to keep members informed. They make regular submissions to government and think tank inquiries into ethical issues in healthcare public policy, speak to the secular and Christian media on health issues, and support members to speak for Jesus in the public square.

Steve will explore ‘Serving Christ in medicine and healthcare: Christianity has had a significant impact on Western medicine and healthcare. However, in a world with rapidly changing values and technologies, how can a Christian remain faithful to God while caring for the sick?’

CLICK HERE Steve's article on Gaza November 2023

CLICK HERE To listen to Steve’s interview on Premier Radio

Full English Breakfast, toast, fruit juice and tea/coffee and an inspring speaker!
£15 per person.

To book please ring 01277 367124 or email

Phil Knox: The Best of Friends

FRIDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2023 - 8.45am to 10.30am
at Mulberry House Hotel, Chelmsford Road, High Ongar, CM5 9NL

This event will include tea/coffee, fruit juice, Full English breakfast and toast.
£15.00 per person.

1 in 3 men say they have no close friends. 40% of young adults say they always or often feel lonely. We are in a loneliness epidemic. And yet this is not how we were created to be. Friendship is one of God’s greatest gifts to us, we are relationally wired, crafted for connection and studies have consistently shown that you can live very unhealthily and yet if you have friends, you will live longer than someone who keeps themselves in shape but is socially isolated. It really is better to eat kebabs with friends than salad on your own.

Phil Knox believes Jesus is the answer, in more ways than one. The secret of eternal life is not what you know, but who you know. Wherever we are at in the state of our friendships, we can all strengthen our relational muscles and play a part in helping others grow their relational connections. Discover what the Bible has to teach us about this vital subject matter and learn from The Best of Friends about how we can be the best of friends.
His book on the subject, The Best of Friends, was published in February 2023.

Phil Knox is an evangelist and missiologist at the Evangelical Alliance. He is passionate about making Jesus known and the power of friendship. He loves learning and has degrees in law and mission and evangelism. Phil is married to Dani and they have two sons, Caleb and Jos. He is an avid runner, enthusiastic waterskier and once broke the world record for the longest five-a-side football match. He is also an award winning performance poet and author of Story Bearer and The Best of Friends.

Stay on if you can for prayer, to chat or relax in the Hotel/grounds.


Clip 1- Listen here

Clip 2- Listen here

To book please ring 01277 367124 or email